Annual Meeting, New Board Members
The annual meeting of Helping People Succeed recently took place at the nonprofit’s headquarters in Jensen Beach.
Suzy Hutcheson, Chief Executive Office and Glenna Parris, Gift Planning Officer, discussed the challenges and accomplishments of the past year, as well as outlining the organization’s plans for the future.
Thanks to the generosity of the community and the board – which participated at a 100-percent giving level – Helping People Succeed will be transitioning from its Capital Campaign to actual capital renovations.
An important piece of business was the nominating and naming of new officers and members to both the Helping People Succeed Board of Directors and the Helping People Succeed Foundation’s Board of Directors.
For the former, new members Heidi Bosley, Rosie Portera, Lorenzo Williams and Sherry Plymale will join officers Barbara Essenwine, Chair; Michael Borlaug, Vice-Chair; Cher Fisher, Secretary; Jenny Yingling, Treasurer; and members Allen Herskowitz, Bonney Johnson and Shaun Kogut.
The Foundation Board will welcome the addition of Stacy Ranieri, John Creswell and Lee Borellis to the current team of Bonney Johnson, Chair; Mary Rose Bressman, Vice-Chair; Dale Forbes, Secretary; Claire Nash, Treasurer and Beth Prinz.
Both Barbara Essenwine and Bonney Johnson recognized outgoing board member Phyllis Gillespie and they, themselves, were recognized for their past year of service as board chairs continuing on into a second year of board service.
Like all nonprofits, Helping People Succeed’s fundraising capabilities were severely impacted by Covid-19.
The cancellations of the White Shirt Night event in both 2020 and 2021, as well as the signature fundraiser, Pinot & Picasso in 2020, were challenging to navigate.
However, Pinot & Picasso is back bigger and better than ever in 2021 – on November 20 – and everyone at Helping People Succeed is gearing up for a major success.